Jože Colarič CEO, Krka

A Slovene saying has it that no-one loves their home country because it is large, but because it is theirs. Through the centuries, Slovenes have proven several times that we love our homeland, particularly at historic landmarks. Therefore, it was natural that we all came together in 1990 and overwhelmingly voted for independence.

It may seem that twenty years of evolution is not a long period in the history of a nation, but it is enough to re-evaluate, shape, crystallise and also fulfil goals. With independence, we at Krka embarked on a new path, which opened the door to the world even more widely.

Today, Krka is an international company. We are proud that a company has grown in the region of Dolenjska whose achievements contribute to the growth and progress of our country.

I am convinced that in the future, Slovenes will achieve great success, which will bear fruit in the economy, science and education, art, sports and other areas. I believe that it is in the interests of everyone to create the conditions that contribute to the welfare, recognition and reputation of our country.