den Broek Twenty years have already passed. Looking back on the relatively peacefully acquired independence of Slovenia is far more positive than thinking about a just solution to the Yugoslav conflict in the nineties, ...

mountaineer Slovenes who, together, can create the conditions for a decent living and the common good of everyone who lives in the most beautiful country in the world: Slovenia.

actor As an artist, I usually respond to events with what I know and can do and I can tell you that my comment on the road behind Slovenia has been prepared ...

entrepreneur I know from experience that I am quite interesting in the world of business and culture in terms of geography, history and also character because I am a Slovene ...
climber Slovenia is like a little child that has so much good and nice things to learn. The child can be lead astray when growing up, but we must believe that a mature person will eventually emerge.
photographer Sadly, there is less and less joy in the present photos ...

musician Confident and proud Triglav dragons with violets in their hearts.

SRC, SASA Altered as: “I (too) am the State” should become our motto. It would be the only way to overcome the current paralysis of citizens on the one hand and self-centred professional politicians on the other.
architect Slovenia and us with it have grabbed many of those opportunities but there is always room for an extra effort.

of Italy
to Slovenia I have so many fond memories of Ljubljana, not least of all because my two youngest children were born there. Moreover, I was also witness to a moment that changed the history of this city and of all Slovenia.
TV host Not much has remained of the connection, pride and enthusiasm from two decades ago and I often miss it but I remain an optimist.

and essayist The citizen was almost completely replaced by the consumer who has no time for common interests and selfishly pursues only his own interest..

Institute of
Chemistry We would expect more mature decisions and more than just maintaining status quo from a twenty-year old.

Krka I am convinced that in the future, Slovenes will achieve great success, which will bear fruit in the economy, science and education, art, sports and other areas.

EPP President I know your country is going through a complex political crisis at the moment. But precisely in times like these, it is worthwhile to take a step back and look at the whole picture - to look at what Slovenia, what you have achieved in these 20 years since

musician When we got a collective punch in the face from our brotherly comrades, the only solution was to wake up, not in any IDEN-TITO or IDEN-TITSH but in an independent country with own IDENTITY which no longer needs translation.
musician Never underestimate the young, future-oriented and cosmopolitan people, even if their ideas seem utopian, because the country and the world can be made better only with fresh ideas and achievements which arise exactly from the most unconventional ideas.
borders In their twenties, people often test their limits, often tread on ice, fight for their identity and realise that life and living together are not always easy. It cannot be very different with countries ...

former FM of
Iceland Slovenia´s success story since those days twenty years ago has conclusively disspelled any doubts as to who was right on those fateful issues at the time.

publicist Slovenia is a young country, it needs time to grow and foremost people need time to see what I realised in those magical days.
chair of
White Circle
of Slovenia It is time to leave behind childhood diseases and whims of puberty and live a life of a responsible and honest adult.

snowboarder I believe in Slovenia and the people who live here.
singer Homeland is much like health: you don’t give it a second thought while you have it and would do anything to restore it if it’s gone.

Catbriyur Slovenes should finally begin to realise that membership in the elite club of the EU does not automatically mean an easy life protected by the euro as some have rather naively expected.

writer Yes, I want us to be even better off here and now but not being worse will do.

David Owen Slovenia by acting decisively and quickly to establish its independence fortunately escaped most of the horror that engulfed the rest of the former Yugoslavia. Everyone concerned deserves congratulations for seizing that political opportunity and ...

world traveller We’ll never be bigger, we can only get better. Better in perseverance and love for our language which is one of the most beautiful and richest in the world.

head of the
Institute I think our democracy is best judged by whether Slovenia has been promoting and disseminating virtue and reason in its citizens with sufficient care, vigour and results.