Year 1999
21. January 1999

Geographic origin of the name of Lipicanec is protected
The government adopts a decree protecting the geographic origin of the name of Lipicanec (Eng. Lipizzaner).
01. February 1999

An associate member of the EU
The Association Agreement with the EU comes into effect, and Slovenia officially becomes an associate member of the EU.
21. June 1999 - 22. June 1999

The USA President visits Slovenia
American President William J. Clinton visits Slovenia.
19. September 1999

Second visit of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II visits Slovenia and beatifies the Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek.
06. November 1999

Tomaž Humar climbs the southern wall of Daulagiri
Tomaž Humar climbs the southern rock wall of Daulagiri (8167 m).