Year 1996
01. January 1996

member of the CEFTA
Slovenia becomes a full member of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).
17. May 1996 - 19. May 1996

Pope John Paul II visits Slovenia
Pope John Paul II visits Slovenia
10. June 1996

Slovenia and the EU sign an association agreement
Slovenia and the EU sign an association agreement, and Slovenia submits request for full membership in the EU.
19. July 1996 - 04. August 1996

Two silver medals at the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta
At the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, athlete Brigita Bukovec (100 metre hurdles) and kayak specialist Andraž Vehovar in slalom on rough waters win two silver medals.
10. November 1996

Parliamentary elections take place
Parliamentary elections take place; the majority of the vote goes to the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (27, 01%), following by Slovenian People's Party (19,38 %), Social Democratic Party of Slovenia (16,13%), Slovenian Christian Democrats (9,62%), United List of Social Democrats (9,03%), Democratic Party of Slovenian Pensioners (4,32%), Slovenian National Party (3,22% ).