Year 1991
20. February 1991

The XIX amendment to the Constitution
The Assembly of the RS adopts the XIX amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and invalidates all constitutional laws of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
23. May 1991

An incident in the Pekre training centre
An incident occurs between Slovenian Territorial Defence and Yugoslav Public Army representatives in the Pekre training centre. The YPA units surround the 710th TO training centre and demand surrender.
25. June 1991

Basic Constitutional Charter is adopted
The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopts the Basic Constitutional Charter, the Constitutional Act and the Declaration of Independence.
26. June 1991

Solemn proclamation of Slovenia's independence and sovereignty
Solemn proclamation of Slovenia's independence and sovereignty. President of the Slovenian Presidency Milan Kučan addresses a letter to the leaders of Western countries and to the UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar requesting international recognition of Slovenia as an independent State.
27. June 1991

Beginning of the Ten-Day War
Beginning of the Ten-Day War for Slovenian independence; the first combat occurs at Poganci, near Novo mesto.
07. July 1991

Brioni Agreement is adopted
The Brioni Agreement is adopted. Talks held on the island of Brioni between the EC Troika and representatives of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and federal Presidency result in an agreement whereby Slovenia and Croatia agreed to suspend implementation of the declarations of independence, but not the declarations themselves. They also agree that the Slovenian Police forces take over the Slovenian borders control, that customs income remains a federal revenue, that the condition as of 25 June 1991 shall be respected, that Slovenian armed forces lift the blockade of YNA units and facilities, thus enabling unconditional return of YNA units to their Barracks, that the Slovenian territorial defence demobilizes and that all prisoners detained in connection with hostilities since June 25th 1991 shall be released in one day.
07. October 1991

The tolar as the national currency
The Assembly approves the tolar as the national currency.
25. October 1991 - 26. October 1991

The last soldier of the Yugoslav Army leaves Slovenian territory
In the night of 25 to 26 October, the last soldier of the Yugoslav Army leaves Slovenian territory.
23. December 1991

The first constitution of independent Slovenia
The Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia passes a new constitution, which becomes the first constitution of independent Slovenia.