Year 1990
08. January 1990

Democratic Opposition of Slovenia (DEMOS) as a pre-election coalition
Slovenian Democratic Union, Social Democratic Party of Slovenia, Slovenian Christian Democrats, Liberal Party, the Greens of Slovenia and the Slovenian Farmers’ Association (later Slovenian People’s Party) create DEMOS – Democratic Opposition of Slovenia as a pre-election coalition. Before the elections, the Slovenian Craftsmen's Party and the Grey Panthers (the organization of pensioners) join DEMOS as well.
07. March 1990

Republic of Slovenia, without ‘Socialist’
Slovenian Assembly adopts the name “Republic of Slovenia”, without ‘Socialist’
29. March 1990

New Slovenian anthem
Zdravljica is proclaimed the new Slovenian anthem.
08. April 1990

The first democratic multiparty elections
The first democratic multiparty elections of 160 delegates to the Socio-political Chamber and the Chamber of Communes. Parallel to the general elections, presidential elections and elections of the Slovenia’s Presidency members are held. Ciril Zlobec, Matjaž Kmecl, Dušan Plut, and Ivan Oman are elected members of the Presidency. The Demos coalition wins the general elections with 54 per cent of the vote (Christian Democrats led by Lojze Peterle win the majority of the vote in the coalition – 13 %, thus gaining the right to become a formateur). Results: Party of Democratic Reform – 17,3 %, Liberal Party - 14,5%, Social Democratic Union of Slovenia - 7,4%, Slovenian Christian Democrats - 13,0%, the Slovenian Craftsmen's Party - 3,5%, Socialist Union of Slovenia - 5,4%, the Greens of Slovenia - 8,8%, Slovenian Democratic Union - 9,5%, Slovenian Farmers’ Association - 12,6%.
22. April 1990

Second round of presidential election
Milan Kučan wins the presidential seat in the second round with 58, 6 % of the vote. Jože Pučnik gets 41,4 % of the vote.
09. May 1990

France Bučar is appointed the President of the Assembly
Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia meets on its constitutive session and appoints France Bučar the President of the Assembly.
16. May 1990

Alojz Peterle forms the coalition Government
Alojz Peterle forms the coalition Government (Executive Council of the Assembly), composed of Slovenian Democratic Union, Social Democratic Union of Slovenia, Slovenian Christian Democrats, Slovenian Farmers’ Association, the Slovenian Craftsmen's Party and the Greens of Slovenia - the DEMOS coalition (the government term ends on 14 May 1992).
23. December 1990

Plebiscite on independence of Slovenia
88.2 % of the people vote FOR an independent Republic of Slovenia.
26. December 1990

Announcement of the official results of the plebiscite
Announcement of the official results of the plebiscite on independence.