‘Independence 1991: state and democracy in Slovenia in their historical dimensions’
Scientific symposium

Exhibition on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the plebiscite of 1990.
On view by 30 November 2011.
Spletno mesto je delovalo v času obeleževanja 20. obletnice samostojnosti Republike Slovenije (od 20. obletnice dneva plebiscita o samostojnosti, 23. december 2010, do 20. obletnice sprejema Ustave Republike Slovenije, 23. december 2011). Spletnega mesta ne osvežujemo več, objavljene vsebine pa so vam še naprej na voljo za ogled in prebiranje.
This website was active during the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Slovenia (from the 20th anniversary of the plebiscite on independence on 23 December 2010 until the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia on 23 December 2011). The site has not been updated since, but the content is still available for browsing.
Scientific symposium
On view by 30 November 2011.